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only1billybonds 1:07 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
The threat this cunt posed to the public would have disappeared had he been deported after his first serial offence conviction.

RootsRadical 1:14 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Except this is about an illegal immigrant denied asylum twice then granted asylum after committing s sex offence who has now committed an act of terror, spot the difference?
I work in London in the public sector so your assumptions about me are unfounded.

Apart from that spot on 🤡

Lee Trundle 1:17 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Hammer and Pickle 1:02 Fri Feb 2
"I’m not denying you any rights"

What about this bit where you GRASS people up on here to the mods because you don't like what you read?

only1billybonds 1:18 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Sexual not serial*

Mike Oxsaw 1:28 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
"Repeated sex offenders are a challenge for any criminal justice system and all the social services involved."

That's no reason or excuse for the UK to invite from abroad more of such people.

They need to be prevented from entering the UK in the first place - a consideration that over-rides any other factors even if they do eventually swear that they love the baby Jesus.

Surely with your self-evidenced past, you must understand that.

BRANDED 1:39 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Another Cultural Enricher win

However, the elephant in the room is we did go to Afghanistan and bomb and kill people.

goose 1:39 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Pickle nobody is stopping you bore everyone with your over engineered posts.

But they are worthless as you have no first hand experience of the issue.

This costs the UK tax payer £3bn a year (and its going up every year). Around £6m a day is spent on housing these people. Imagine how many more D&I managers we could employ with that money?

Anyone paying for this shambles has a much more relevant opinion that you.
Quite simply you can fuck off.

, 1:52 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Any information about the mother and two children injured in the alkaline attack.

Anyone know their ethnicity, how long they have been here and how much they are costing us tax payers?

J.Riddle 2:06 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
No surprise to see the usual racists on here. Do your research before condemning those victimised.

"Mild-mannered Christian traveled length of country to carry out the Clapham chemical attack"


Mike Oxsaw 2:34 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
, 1:52 Fri Feb 2

Whatever it was, it's a fuck lot more now following this imported assault.

Lee Trundle 2:36 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
, 1:52 Fri Feb 2

Were they sex offenders who go out throwing acid in peoples faces, also?

violator 2:50 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
I just assumed the woman was his ex and the kids were his, was it terror related?

Cony Tottee 2:56 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Perhaps the people who vouch for illegal immigrants at their appeals should be held jointly liable for any crimes they commit. Be interesting to see a few priests banged up for serious assaults.

Mike Oxsaw 3:01 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
violator 2:50 Fri Feb 2

What sort of cunt drags his own kids out of a car, smashes their head against the road and then douses them in a corrosive substance?

"Words of condolence" from the authorities are starting to ring a bit hollow right now.

violator 3:04 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
I get that mate, I just thought if the cunt had travelled down from Newcastle it must have been a domestic, and he thought he'd do them all in.

WHU(Exeter) 3:06 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Big enquiry


Rinse and repeat

Fauxstralian 3:09 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Can understand that if someone is in Afghanistan now that tthe Taliban are in charge they may well be in fear of their life and seek asylum ... ditto in Ukraine
There are processes in place for those people to seek asylum in the UK.
if they travel across Europe and then in France they are in a safe country .... and have probably travelled across SEVERAL safe countries
If they then illegally enter the UK they are an illegal immigrant not an asylum seeker and should be barred from ever being given the right to remain in the UK

Wasnt the point of Brexit for the UK to be able to make laws to reflect that?

zebthecat 3:29 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
"Wasnt the point of Brexit for the UK to be able to make laws to reflect that?"

No. Asylum is covered by the UN Refugee Convention

RootsRadical 3:47 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
He was denied asylum twice so why was granted it a 3rd time FFS?
Was because he "converted. to Christianity" or Human rights lawyers and NGOs? What's the point if you can just keep appealing.
The other issue is what happens to those who are denied asylum, what's their status seeing as we can't send him to another country because that avenue has now been blocked, and I:d imagine it's impossible to deport him back to Afghanistan due to the current situation there and lack of mechanisms to do do so, and his "human rights"
Questions need to be asked.

violator 3:52 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Put them on South Georgia, its part of the UK, which is where they intended on reaching.

Lee Trundle 3:57 Fri Feb 2
Re: Clapham Acid attack - Surprise surprise
Have I got it right that he was denied asylum twice, then got done for being a sex offender, and then it was granted after finding god?

The fucking state of our asylum system.

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